Week 5 Reflection: Tech Edge in the Classroom


Today I watched several videos on the Tech Edge youtube channel and I learned about plenty of apps for iPads that are beneficial and convenient to use in the classroom. In episode 87 they discuss apps that are helpful with emergent literacy. Within this video I found out there are apps that help with letter recognition, writing letters, sounds of letters, and even what your mouth should look like when saying the letter sound. One app that was interesting to me and seems like it would be interesting and helpful to students was the app called ABCs Alphabet Tracing by Kids Academy. In this app it went over the sound, showed an object that started with that letter, and has the students trace the letters. The first time they trace there is a guiding arrow and on the second one they do it all on their own. This could be helpful for all kids in the classroom and it could also be especially helpful for kids who may have dyslexia.


imageABCs Alphabet Tracing by Kids Academy:



Another video I thought shared some cool apps was episode 154     sight words and spelling apps. In this episode they discussed apps that can create spelling test, fun little games with sight words, and then my favorite Cimo Spelling. What I enjoy about Cimo Spelling is there are different categories and games you can play. It has cute penguins which I think will engage the kids. In the demonstration they show is the app gives you jumbled up letters and asks you to spell a word. Each letter is a chunk of ice and you use them to build a bridge for the penguin to walk across. If they spell the word wrong the penguin falls through that letter. Also after they have spelt the word right they not only read the word, it sounds out every letter individually. Over all I think the students would have fun with this app.

image Cimo Spelling: Free



The third video that showed some cool apps was episode 157 Presentation Apps. This video demonstrated 2 presentation apps and my favorite of the 2 was a free app called 30 Hands. One of the coolest features of this app in my opinion that is different than other presentation apps is that not only can you use photos on your iPad you can search the internet for pictures and information inside of the app. It was also cool that you could write on the pictures using your finger. With this app I think the students could be really creative and make some awesome presentations.

image  30 Hands Starter: Free


This youtube channel has a ton of videos on all different apps to use in the classroom. Each one has multiple apps that they review and mention pros and cons. I will definitely have to bookmark it for later!

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